Our Harmony Club
In 1993 Faith UMC became a site for Our Harmony Club. It is a non-medical, voluntary social club, which provides respite services for seniors in the community. This club is a social day program that provides care as well as companionship, socialization and activities for older adults. It is an ideal setting for dependent older adults who may have forgetfulness, dementia, Parkinson’s disease or limitations due to a stroke.
Our Harmony Club is open to any senior at risk of social isolation or loneliness. The Club provides up to six hours of respite care for the caregivers.
A typical day includes morning coffee, enrichment activities, stimulating games, entertainment, music and crafts. Snacks are provided along with a homemade lunch.
The cost is $30 per day. For more information go to www.ourharmonyclub.org. To participate, call Dawn Vlach at 262-880-5301 or email her atdawnvlach@ourharmonyclub.org.
The club meets at several sites. It meets at the North Pointe Harmony Campus on the second Tuesday of every month from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM. For more information about our site or to volunteer with us please call Karen Moser at 262-639-5321 or the church office at 262-639-2441.