About Our Church
Our church was formed through the merger of Faith United Methodist Church and Trinity United Methodist Church in December of 2017. Our churches have a rich history, beginning in our city's earliest years. We look forward to making more history in the coming years!
The History of Trinity United Methodist Church
As early as 1839, when Racine was but five years old, the first Dane, John S. Bangs, settled in the City of Racine and became one of its most substantial citizens. He was a carpenter, dock builder, contractor and preacher. For a time he served as alderman of the Fifth Ward, called “Little Denmark” and built a bridge across the Root River near his home which was nicknamed “Bangs” Bridge. He presented the Scandinavian Methodist Group with land on which they built their first church.
(Taken from the Danish Folk Kringle Festival Souvenir of May 26-28, 1961 – by the West Racine Merchants.)
1853 The Scandinavian Methodist Episcopal Church was organized by Rev. Samuel Anderson with sixteen members. The membership class was led by John Bangs, the first Danish immigrant to arrive in Racine in 1839.
1854 The first church was built along the Root River at the foot of Huron Street. It is the site of the old J.I. Case Export Building.
1863 The Sunday School was organized with 40 members. Church membership was 48.
1872 A Ladies Aid Society was organized to help pay the debt on the church.
1877 A choir was organized.
1879 The Norwegian Danish Conference was formed with its first meeting held at our church.
1880 The General Conference granted the request of the Norwegian-Danish Pastors to give them their own conference.
1886 At this time, the name of the church was changed to Norwegian- Danish Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church. A decision was made to purchase the property on LaSalle Street, south of State Street, where the second church building was to be built.
1902 The church was struck by lightning.
1909 Electric lights were installed by the young people’s Epworth League.
1917 A new pipe organ was installed. This is the same organ which has been rebuilt and is currently being used in the church on Erie Street.
1924 Services were changed from Norwegian to English for Sunday morning services. Sunday evening services continued to be held in Norwegian.
1928 Membership of the church was at 319 people. Sunday School membership was 300 young people.
1934 Forty-three new members joined the church.
1935 The largest Sunday School membership was 731.
1940 The steeple was rebuilt.
1943 The old Norwegian-Danish Methodist Conference was dissolved. The last meeting of this conference was held at Trinity. We then became part of the Wisconsin Conference of the Methodist Church and became Trinity Methodist Church.
1957 Land at Erie Street and Greenfield Road was purchased. The land was
valued at $20,000. When the building was constructed in 1963 the land was valued at $22,000. The land was purchased from the Sisters of St. Dominic.
1957 The Parable of the Talents, Matthew 25: 14-30, was used to inspire the congregation to raise funds for the new church land on Erie Street. Each child was given $.25 and each adult was given $1.00.
1963 The architect’s estimate for the first phase of the new church was $290,000.
1963 On March 17 ground was broken for the current church on Erie St. and Greenfield Rd.
1963 December 8 was the last service at the old church on LaSalle St. The
congregation moved in a car caravan to the current location, on Erie and Greenfield, where we held the first service in our new sanctuary.
1963 The present church was dedicated. The old pipe organ was refitted for use in the new building.
1965 November 11 the newly rebuilt 1917 organ was rededicated in the new building.
1968 Adult fellowship groups were formed: the Kum Dubls for young married couples and the Merri Methodists for the older couples.
1968 – We had another name change when the Methodist and United Brethren churches merged. We became Trinity United Methodist Church.
1971-1975 The Racine Unified School District rented Fellowship Hall for the
Wind Point kindergarten classes.
1975 The present parsonage at 3818 Ruby Avenue was built debt free thanks to a generous donation.
1976 The Educational Wing was built.
1977 The Ship’s Wheel in the sanctuary was installed and dedicated to the
memory of John Koller.
1977 Northside Preschool was opened for 3 & 4 year old children.
1978 North Side Food Pantry was organized and operated from within the church. Charlie and Dorothy Shook were the organizers. It was a cooperative effort with several north side churches.
1981 Windows in classrooms and offices were replaced and bricked up to
conserve energy.
1986 The 1917 pipe organ was given more major repairs. The grand piano,
purchased in 1928, was refurbished by the Kettelson Family. In a conservation effort Fellowship Hall and the Education Wing were converted from electric heat to gas heat.
1988 Memorial stained glass windows depicting the life of Christ were installed.
1993 As a conservation effort the sanctuary, offices, and lounge were converted from electric to gas heat.
1999 The Pipe Organ was rebuilt by Thomas Rench, thanks to a generous
donation from Alex and Arlene Simpson.
2001 The church Memorial Garden was established.
2006 LIFT (Learning Is Fun Together), a neighborhood mentoring program, was started for some of the Wind Point Elementary students.
2009 JAM (Jesus And Me) fellowship for preschool through 5th grade children was started by our youth director.
2011 JFF (Just For Fun), an adult fellowship, was established as a social program for members and friends of Trinity.
2017 We began leasing space to the United Lutheran Church, creating a
collaborate effort to serve our north side parish.
Dec. 31, 2017 Trinity merged with Faith United Methodist Church to become North Pointe United Methodist Church
2018 Fifty-seven Solar Panels were installed on the roof on Earth Day,
April 22.
The History of Faith United Methodist Church
1912 Augusto and Katherine Giuliani discovered a colony of Italian immigrants in Racine and started a church. As was their custom, the Giuliani met first in homes offering night classes in English and citizenship. They also offered spiritual guidance and Bible classes.
August 17, 1913 A congregation of 14 was organized, meeting in a rented room on Forest Street (now called Memorial Drive). They used the name Racine Italian work.
August 1913 Seminary student, Giuseppe Busacca became the first pastor of the church. He was aided in the work by Miss Matilda Droegkamp, who came weekly from Milwaukee to conduct English and citizenship classes. She also started sewing classes for women.
1913-1914 The church soon became too small. Small chapel was purchased from the Holland Reformed Church on the corner of Albert Street and Blake Avenue for the sum of $900.00. The chapel was moved to 1621 Albert Street.
August 1914 The church on Albert Street was dedicated to the glory of God by Bishop S.P. Spreng.
1914 – ? The church helped immigrants find jobs, find housing, and gave material aid when needed. The pastor often acted as interpreter as well as English instructor for his people. The deaconess or mission worker held home management classes, teaching women to cook and to sew. The missionaries even offered music lessons and nursing services. In exchange the women shared their famous Italian recipes.
1916 Rev. Joseph Busacca became the first full-time pastor. He served the Racine and Kenosha mission for six years.
1922 Rev. Angelo Germanotta was appointed pastor of the Racine Italian work. He was assisted by Miss Hilda Christner until 1926. After that he was assisted by Miss Ellen Frye. (Busacca remained head of the Kenosha Mission.)
1923 Rev. Germanotta started a second congregation of Italian immigrants in North Racine.
1925 The Evangelical Missionary Society assisted the new congregation in
purchasing a two bedroom bungalow at 3327 Tenth Street and converted it into a chapel.
October 1926 Rev. Germanotta married Madelyn Schoeller. With the new
partnership in ministry it was determined that the assistance of deaconesses and mission workers were not necessary.
1945 The two Italian churches merged. Italian Evangelical Church became
Faith Evangelical United Brethren Church.
1953 Rev. Germanotta resigned after thirty-one years of service.
1954 Rev. Charles H. Kollander was appointed as interim pastor. It was during his leadership from January 1954- May 1955 that a parcel of land was purchased at the corner of Harmony Drive and LaSalle Street.
1955 Rev. Milton Seiwert was appointed pastor of Faith. Under his leadership the two previous churches were sold. The Albert Street property sold for $500. And the Tenth Street property sold for $5200.
June 9, 1957 groundbreaking services for the new church building at 1013
Harmony Drive.
July 28, 1957 Cornerstone laying ceremony.
March 2, 1958 Dedication of Faith Evangelical United Brethen Church by Bishop Harol R. Heininger. The church cost $68,500
1963 An Educational Wing was added at the cost of $38,000. Also a fifth anniversary celebration was held.
January 5, 1964 The Educational Wing was dedicated by Rev. Willard Schulz, Conference Superintendent of the Southern District of the Wisconsin Evangelical Brethren Church.
1964 The parsonage at 2203 Carlisle was sold and a new parsonage was
constructed at 1101 Harmony Drive.
1965 Faith reached an all time high in church membership at 135, with the Sunday school at 154.
1967 Bethel Methodist Episcopal Church – a member of the Central
Swedish Conference and St. John’s United Methodist Church- an African
American congregation on Silver Street, merged.
1968-1971 During the pastorate of Wesley Falk and Donald Fenner, the church name was changed to Faith United Methodist Church.
July 1, 1975 Bethel-St. John and Faith Church merged. Rev Sammartino was the pastor of both before and after the merger.
1995 Harmony Club was started at Faith. It is a program that cares for guests who have dementia, Parkinsons and other conditions that require constant care. This once a month program gives a respite to their caregivers.
Jan. 1, 2018 Faith UMC merged with Trinity UMC to become North Pointe United Methodist Church
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– Pastor John Doe
Who We Are
Our Team & Leadership
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Our Pastor: James Greene

Josie Jeffery
Youth Director

Kayley Shelton
Worship Leader

Elinor Key
Production Director

Roy Hirst
Live Groups Leader

Guy Glenn
Administrative Assistant

Che Dawe
Associate Pastor

Yanis Barrow
Communications Director

Carter Monroe
Creative Director
Frequently Asked Questions
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Nulla quis lorem ut libero malesuada feugiat?
Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Vivamus suscipit tortor eget felis porttitor volutpat. Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi. Nulla quis lorem ut libero malesuada.
Sed porttitor lectus nibh civamus es?
Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Vivamus suscipit tortor eget felis porttitor volutpat. Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi. Nulla quis lorem ut libero malesuada.
Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta?
Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Vivamus suscipit tortor eget felis porttitor volutpat. Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi. Nulla quis lorem ut libero malesuada.