North Pointe United Methodist Church
3825 Erie St. Racine 53402 | Sundays @ 9:30am CDTScroll Below for Upcoming Events & Information Relating to Afghan Aid and Ukrainian Aid
Sunday Services
Services are held at 9:30am CDT. Masks are highly recommended.
About Us
North Pointe United Methodist Church
was formed with the merger of
Trinity and Faith United Methodist Churches.
These churches have a rich history,
going back to Racine’s early years.

Church Newsletter
What’s happening in and around the church. Meetings, rehearsals, practices and upcoming events. A good source of information for interested individuals and new members.
Celebrations of Remembrance
A ritual may be of help when planning to remember the passing of a loved one. A number of our church members developed a Template that can be used to guide you in that effort. Please take a look.
Our Music
We have posted videos of our Bell Choir, solo performances and original hymns done during church services. There, you can find a variety of music that is not only beautiful but, at times, thought provoking as well.
North pointe United Methodist Church is a congregation that believes we are all created in God’s image and have sacred worth. We welcome and affirm all persons without regard to age, race, ethnicity, mental/physical disability or marital status; and without regard to sexual orientation or gender identity. In full inclusion, each person is invited and encouraged to participate in every phase of our church life and the ministries of North Pointe United Methodist Church, a reconciling congregation.
Have Kids?
Children are always welcome!
Church Windows
Our beautiful stained glass windows were a gift to the church from a member in honor of his beloved wife. They tell the story of Christ’s time here on earth, from his birth through his Ascension. As beautiful as they are, they are even more beautiful in person. Come and see them!